“And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.”- Hebrews 13:16
Angel's Mission was founded after a tragic sudden death in the pastoral family of their youngest son Angel Amir Perdomo, just at the age of thirteen in 2017. Inspiring to help other families and churches in third world countries or where help is needed. Giving second chances to children allowing them to live life when many are not given that opportunity. Planting a small seed through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Angel's Mission since then has helped in serval locations starting in Niquinohomo, Nicaragua, in December 2018. Visiting a children's ministry named "Cinco Panes Y Dos Peces" (a ministry we help monthly) we were able to buy food and supplies and it continues to feed around thirty to forty children Monday through Friday. An event was taken place were over 200 families attended to hear the gospel of the Lord, and we were able to buy toys for all the children that attended. In the same week three hours away in a city called Estelí, Nicaragua, a ministry we helped build houses for families. In which many families were living in the city's landfills making a living through collecting plastic or glass bottles for little earnings. In 2021, various ministries in different departments of El Salvador were helped; like Sonsonate, Metalio, Menson and Cara Sucia. Sewing machines and clothes were donated to some of the ministries. Even by donating a few things they were able to start their own car wash which include vacuums, pressure washer that can hold up to 250 gallons of water, lumber, cement, and sheeting to keep the cars stationed under a booth while awaiting for them to finish, furthermore sheets were also given to create a school so that children could attend classes and learn from first to fourth grade. In the year of 2022 new clothes were generously donated by people to help a ministry called Tercermundista in Niquinohomo, Nicaragua. Four 30 x 30 boxes were sent with the purpose of the ministry being able to sustain and support the less fortunate in Central America. Sales of clothing increased, which we hope will grow and in the future, give job opportunities to help the community. Angel’s Mission awaits open doors for God to help wherever it’s needed. Where Love and the good news of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ can be trumpeted, without discrimination or barrier that separates us from our vision and mission. It will continue to operate and be dedicated to helping those in need by giving them a helping hand for a change. Especially with the challenges of this world we are able to give confidence and embrace all of it with compassion. Donations can be made on our website with PayPal, Venmo, or in person. Help us reach our goal, to make Angel's Mission grow and spread worldwide. "Together we can make a change."